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Two Scouts, Colin and Oliver, were lucky enough to sail from Brixham to Falmouth, joined by 6 local guides. They all set out from Derby train station on a Sunday in August along with Leanne, a Scout leader and Tall Ships volunteer. For the next six nights they would experience an exciting adventure aboard the Stavros S Niarchos.
During the voyage they learnt some new knots, how to store ropes and sails, navigated by compass, climbed the rigging to 100ft and took turns at steering the ship. They worked in a watch with 16 young people made up of half boys and half girls. Every day the ship had to be cleaned to the Bosun’s satisfaction.
One of the boys was seasick but it didn’t last long. Just as well the other wasn’t as I didn’t send him with any medicine! There was lots of time off to play cards, chess and I expect some electronic gadgets were used! The Ship was well set up with showers which were used by some! The food was excellent with lots of snacks and drinks available throughout the day.
There were fireworks over Torbay which were watched from the deck of the ship and were very spectacular. The parade through Falmouth was a lot of fun with lots of noise from home made drums and trumpets.
A big thank you to everyone who supported the boys at the Keyworth Show, cake sales at Rushcliffe Country Park, BGS and South Wolds Academy and to John Cottee who made some funding available.