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During the May Bank Holiday the Leaders and Helpers of 1st Keyworth Scouts took a group to Hollygate at Cotgrave for a camp.  The advance party arrive on Friday morning to put the

marquees and tents up. Our first task was to put up the marquee but unfortunately Maria’s list didn’t have guy ropes on it!  Graham F was dispatched back to the hut.

While he was gone a competition developed on who could get their patrol tent up first.  Teams were Graham B and Richard against Becca, Darren and Maria.  For novices what a victory for Maria’s team.   The camp consisted of two patrol tents for the cubs, six scout tents, one explorer, one tent for the two girls and eight tents for leaders and helpers.

Richard met the children where they were dropped off in order to bring up the kit in the trailer.  Our position was right at the top of the campsite.  After the children had been allocated their tents and had spent some time exploring their campsite we gathered for instructions.  The opening ceremony had the flags being hoisted.  We were all treated to a great firework display, I know because my neck was getting stiff.  Then back to the marquee for a well deserved mug of chocolate and biscuits.  The children settled down quite quickly although by now the temperature had dropped.   I managed to get to sleep but couldn’t say I was warm all night even after having thermals a sleeping bag, winter duvet, fleece and coat!

By 6 am I was too cold to stay in bed so got up for a warm cup of tea.  I was not surprised to find frost on the outside of the tents.  It looked wonderful.  Once the camp had woken up a breakfast of cereals, fruit juice and sausage cobs were served.

First activity of the day was inflatable fun.  We were split into smaller groups and moved around the different inflatables.  The obstacle course got very competative with two people going head to head.  There was also a slide, surfing board, pillow wars, sumo and archery supplied by our Group.  The afternoon found the more artistic decorating cups, neckers and a group flag, named Cow Pirate.  This was influenced by the Explorers who were followed by cows on their DofE expedition.

It was back to camp for some free time before tea.  Some children enjoyed playing football and some exploring.  A cricket game developed which got very competative but in good spirits.  At one stage the whole Lewis family were playing!  The evening meal was a choice of bolognese and pasta or chilli and rice followed by Apple pie and custard.

After tea a camp fire with the whole Group and the usual singing.  The highlight of the evening, in the main marquee, was our Group Leader, Richard, as a pirate.  He provided a treasure trove pinata full of sweets.  Any child could come to the front and tell a pirate joke and have a go at hitting the pinata.  A long line formed of children with jokes.  A film followed with a pirate theme – Pirate Captain and the Scientist with the second part on the next evening.

Sunday morning all the Rushcliffe Groups gathered to make the Scout promise.  Another busy day lay ahead with football, dodgeball and rounders before lunch and swimming at Cotgrave swimming pool in the afternoon.  An evening meal of chicken or pork (plus vegetarian option) was followed by chocolate fudge cake. As it got dark Richard lit a small fire for our Group and Jonny helped with the  singing.

There were no activities planned for Monday so Jonny and Martin helped run a scavenger hunt.  Children were given a list of things to find and bring back to the camp.  The funniest one was a leader!  The children then played a new game called dismantling the camp.  They were told lunch would follow this activity!

A fantastic weekend with brilliant weather was had by everyone.  A big thank you to everyone who helped make the weekend a success.